Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Case Study On Batteries Storage Industry in Australia

Question: Describe about the Issue on Batteries Storage Industry in Australia? Answer: Introduction Renewable resources of energy are those which can never become extinct. These resources are present in abundance form on Earth. These are solar, water, hydro, winds, etc. These can be used to generate electricity like solar energy, hydro electricity, etc. There are so many sources of renewable energy present in Australia that have been left unexploited by humans as people are just focusing on non-renewable sources of energy. After doing in depth analysis the energy department of Australia has come to a conclusion that the traditional methods of creating generating energy is making them incur huge cost. Throughout the world we have noticed a steady increase in demand for energy. We have seen the energy crisis during 2008 throughout the world. But the main problem that the country is facing is storage. This is the thing that plays a major role on fulfilling the demand. If the energy is stored properly than it can be supplied when needed. We dont need to pay any extra dollars for the sa me. Many critics have raised arguments against the storage pattern of Australia. There are many weaknesses in the storage system but there are potential to eradicate them and achieve a sustainable development in fulfilling the demand. Batteries are the one that stores the energy. This case is on such batteries. Further we have provided a glance of the energy industry in Australia. Scenario of Australia When we consider the system in Australia the whole process regarding energy id divided into four main parts Generation of electricity Transmission of electricity Retail Dissemination The country has consistently focused on expanding its resources in order to supply energy throughout the country with the help of renewable sources of energy. Many of the developed and developing countries use non-renewable resources of energy like fossil fuel to produce energy. The other examples of non-renewable resources are coal, oil and natural gas. These are supplied to power station after curing them and converting into usable form. It is difficult to collect the renewable resources of energy. For example solar energy can be produced in deserts, hydro energy can be produced when the water flows in a river and waves occur. So it is difficult to predict and account for all these. It involves huge cost in building up the hydro plant, solar plates that capture heat, etc. Further after the collection this energy requires transportation from one place to the other. In order to eliminate this problem the government of Australia has planned and implemented a small network wherein it w ill supply energy to residence and industries. But the problem is that the energy cannot be stored in a network. The country uses batteries for storing energy. After detail research analysis the government of Australia came to a conclusion that energy can be more accurately and more efficiently stored in batteries. The energy stored in the batteries can be used when ever needed. There is no evaporation or reduction in the quantity if energy stored inside the batteries. The government also came to a conclusion that storing the energy in chemical batteries is really a better option. The reason being that all the costs that are directly related to the production of chemical batteries is significantly low, further while transferring the amount of energy from one storage to the other, very nominal amount of energy got evaporated. The largest storage centre has been developed in Australia. This project required investment of 2 million dollars. (PARKINSON, 2014) Current Situation Australian Energy Storage is the largest battery bank existing all over the Earth. Encouragement has been given to the constructor to increase the energy by 400 MHW. There has been an innovation bought by the constructor. Under this innovation it has showed that it has provided more than 100 Mega Watt of power with the help of chemical lithium battery. When we compare the statistics of Australia with the world we see that the sending on energy storage is higher of Australia as compared to other developed and developing countries of the world. In this statistical analysis we also found that a company with name ASX is the owner of entire business power. Further this storage report showed that the organization associated with another company with name Rio-Tinto which helps in serving the remote bauxite operation in Queensland. The company has increased the energy production to 6.7 mega Watt instead of 1.7 mega Watt (PARKINSON, 2014). The CEO and the Director of manpower stated that there is a huge market for storage of batteries. It has great future potential. This market of battery storage will grow day by day. Further there is a lot of profit in this business as there is huge savings while producing lithium and chemical batteries. Further the households of Australia can bypass the electricity retailers very easily. (PARKINSON, 2014) Predicting the future, the CEO said that in future the Australia will concentrate on purchasing the electricity and other forms of energy from the open market. This will be done with the help of new technology. The basis of this new technology is chemical battery. While conducting analysis on battery storage the government got to know that in Canberra there is an existing company that has already installed battery storage system in approximately 6 solar homes. They even have undertaken the newly developed technology. There is an agency in Australia for battery storage. The name of this agency is Renewable Energy Agency of Australia. This agency has made an investment 445000 dollars for this project so that it can help the activities in the ear of the project. There are approximately more than 900000 projects going on in Australia for energy storage. One of the leading company is Reposit power that deals with battery based energy project. This is one of the 1st energy storage program started in the world. Future Scenario The agency of Australia with name Renewable Energy Agency of Australia is assessing the storing system. This is done with the help of simulation program. Under which the scenarios are almost similar to the actual situation and then on these scenarios experiments are carried out. Based on the results of this simulation the storage system is designed and developed. The outcome of this simulation is that while developing the storing system using the help of chemical battery is using less energy as well as fuel. It has noticed a fall in the level of consumption of fuel and energy. (Rentzing, 2014) With the aid of latest engineering and technology the government of Australia can make low renewable energy infiltration. The government is currently focussing on energy storage ventures. It started in 2011 and will end in 2030. Further the government is also concentrating on different energy saving projects that it will be able to undertake energy saving project that support the current and future economy of the country. (SchloÃÅ'ˆgl, 2013). There is a significant impact of greenhouse gas on Australia. Process of Life Cycle Management Application for Energy Storage Readily Implementation Remote Electricity System and Fringe System The government will use the remote system in order to carry out the process for storing the energy. The remote system has a direct dependent on potential of generation of electricity. But the plants which contain fuel as diesel have aided the local areas. These are non-renewable sources of energy. The department is required to shift the energy saving process from non-renewable to renewable resources of energy. The non-renewable resources are constantly depleting on the Earth. In order to have huge storage and transportation of electricity and energy there is a need of applying the steps of connecting the energy transmission network. There is such a system existing that hang in the long array and helps in maintaining the problems that occur day to day regarding the energy crisis. (Amin et al., 2012) The infrastructure is a bit weak in the country which creates transportation problem all over the nation. This have resulted in an increase in the transportation cost of transferring the energy stored Support from the Network The cost per unit in the country Australia is dearer than the other countries. The country has noticed a rise in the population. This huge population creates increasing demand for electricity. In order to satisfy the demand the government stepped in order to maintain the sources responsible for consumption electricity, the Australian government has focused on the demand side participation. This will assist in promoting the consumption and the use of technology. Participation of the Market This is the most important factor. The costs associated with transportation can be maintained only with the participation of the market. The requirements of the market can be predetermined and energy should be stored in that quantity in that area. The national electricity market has been supporting since long in order to start the wholesale market of the storage energy. It has been found that the operation of the National Electricity market has a connection with the global energy sector for power storage. Grid Stability For applying in the life cycle management in order to store energy, the demand supply will be changed in the AC electricity grid. The frequency as well as stability of each grid needs to be observed. The frequency control service will provide type of additional service which will be allowed in specifying market design (Rentzing, 2014). Residential Storage System In order to apply the life cycle management in case of energy storing, distributed renewable generations must be adopted for the households in Australia. Residential storage system will be significantly helpful in avoiding huge electricity bills. Challenges Technical Challenges The interface is a technical challenge. The interface requires control which has been noticed a big challenge when the life cycle management project was getting implemented, while talking about the utility of the battery, there is no prescribed standard been followed by the vendors (Zhang, 2013). Challenges under Economy This point we have discussed earlier. The lack of proper infrastructure facilities has imposed a major threat to the development energy storage industry. The government cannot easily capture the service (Steinmann, 2014). Cultural Challenges In order to develop the energy storage system with the help of chemical battery most of the engineers will provide a non-familiar technology for managing the AC system. It is misunderstood in terms of future growth, requirements, and possibilities (Zhang, 2013). Use of UNEP Life Cycle Management Process Details Set Policies Organize Survey Set Goals Energy Storage for Addressing Issues There are different types of energy storage systems that permit in putting away energy, for example, electrical energy storage, thermal energy storage, chemical energy storage, electrochemical energy storage and mechanical energy storage etc. Then again, as per the issues of present circumstance in energy storage in Australia, electrochemical energy storage will be suitable. It is the best system of putting away energy (SchloÃÅ'ˆgl, 2013). There are a few gadgets includes, for example, battery, fuel cell, and so forth that helps in conversion of chemical energy into electricity. Battery has enormous potential of storage as well as density of charge. Additionally, the density of energy in batter is superior in comparison to other devices (Steinmann, 2014). Voltage effectiveness of battery is valuable and the degree of yield of a battery is considerably more proficient in comparison to other gadgets. Conclusion This report has concentrated on analysis of the present condition of energy storage industry in Australia. The present situation is the best for Australia as they are suitable for adoption of the large scale of alternative mechanism for energy including battery for storing energy. The western region has population more than 2 million; here there is a need of wholesale market of electricity. Additionally, use of natural resources such as hydro, solar and wind instead of gas, fuel and oil will be helpful in development of a scrap electrical generation capacity. The policy makers of Australia have been significantly focusing upon the cost of greenhouse gas. References Alternative Energy, ND, Renewable Energy, viewed on 1st February 2015 available at Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2013, Waste Account, Australia, Experimental Estimates, 2013, viewed on 1st February 2015 available at Daniel Holzner, ND, Examples on non-renewable viewed on 1st February 2015 available at

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