Thursday, December 19, 2019

Why I Am I At The University Of Iowa - 929 Words

Introduction Who is Chad Richmond? Why am I in the field of student affairs? Why am I at the University of Iowa? These are questions that I have to ask myself everyday and I typically answers them a different way every time. It has been a long journey for me to get where I am today and this paper will discuss those aspects that have both helped and even hindered my path at times. Many different people, events, goals and problems have helped shaped who I am today, but they are all important to who I am today. I can be generically labeled relatively easily but those labels don’t always tell the really story. I am a son, brother, uncle, student, college graduate, educator, employee and friend. I am also someone who thought college was out of reach and never would guessed I would be in graduate school now. I am also very competitive and strive to excel in everything including both inside and outside of the classroom. My journey to graduate school will be discussed below and hopefully show how I ended up at the University of Iowa. The Path to Graduate School As stated above, I didn’t always think that college was in my future after high school. I was a wrestler for most of my life and I thought the only way that I was going to college was to receive a scholarship for athletics. My senior year I was being recruited to wrestle at four Big Ten universities and thought it was my ticket to college. During a practice at the end of the season, I was wrestling and tore my meniscusShow MoreRelatedWhy The University Of Iowa Essay870 Words   |  4 Pageswhat drew me to the University of Iowa, my approach to the role of president, and the need to work together. I’d like to take this opportunity to start a broader conversation. Why the University of Iowa? I’ve been asked this question by both supporters and detractors in recent weeks. 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